Backshop Tiefkühl maximizes
PV self-consumption with flexOn


Backshop Tiefkühl's previous energy management system did not meet the increasing requirements. The company therefore opted for the intelligent flexOn platform. It maximizes the PV system's self-consumption and saves energy — a sustainable and economical solution.

Grüner Haken
Cold store is used as energy storage
Grüner Haken
Wear-optimized operation of the cooling machine

The company

Outside view of company site of Backshop TIefkühl GmbH

Backshop Tiefkühl GmbH

Backshop Tiefkühl GmbH is a subsidiary of the traditional company Harry-Brot GmbH. The wholesaler sells a wide range of frozen baked goods to large consumer, food service and food retail companies.

company logo of Backshop Tiefkühl GmbH
Food wholesale
Location size
8500 m2
Areas of optimization
Ground-mounted PV system, cooling machine

The challenges

In order to store baked goods at an optimal temperature, Backshop Tiefkühl has a cold store with a cooling machine. In addition, the company uses a new ground-mounted PV system with a capacity of 1MWp to cover some of its energy needs. Before working with encentive, Kai Gebel, Managing Director of Logistics and IT, faced the following challenges:


Outdated energy
management system

The main challenge was to replace the previous energy management system, which had been in use since 2012. This was necessary because the product had not been further developed and the integration of the new ground-mounted PV system was therefore not possible.


PV system potential
not fully exploited

Due to the high capacity of the PV system, Backshop Tiefkühl was not always able to fully consume the cheap, self-generated electricity. At weekends in particular, electricity was often fed into the grid.  As a result, potential remained unused and, when electricity prices were negative, the feed-in even cost the company additional money.

Portrait of Peter Gabel, head of logistics and IT for the company Backshop Tiefkühl GmbH
Kai Gebel
Logistics & IT Director
Backshop Tiefkühl GmbH

“By using the new energy management solution from encentive,
we hope to improve the integration of our own energy generation,
resulting in maximum use of our own energy.”

Our solution

Using cold store as energy storage

Our intelligent energy management platform flexOn uses Backshop Tiefkühl's cold store as energy storage. In times of high PV generation, flexOn automatically lowers the temperature and thus builds up a natural cold buffer. In times of low PV generation and expensive electricity prices, flexOn uses this buffer and feeds less cold into the cold store. In this way, the consumption of the cooling machine is optimized to match the generation of the PV system. As a result, Backshop Tiefkühl increases self-consumption and saves energy.

Screenshot der Vergleichsübersicht aus der Energiemanagement-Plattform flexOn

Wear-optimized operation of
the cooling machine

Another positive effect of the optimization is the wear-optimized operation of the cooling machine. During normal operation, the system has a more cyclical behavior in which compressors run up and down more frequently. Optimization with flexOn reduces the cycle rate and the system runs evenly in the high or low load range over longer periods of time . This protects the cooling machine, ensures less wear and therefore a longer service life.

Screenshot der Fahrplanempfehlung aus flexOn
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Benefits at a glance

Reduced energy
Increased self-
consumption and
less feed-in to the grid
operation of the
cooling machine
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